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Theodore Roosevelt's flight was risky, flier says
October 12, 1910
Witness watches helplessly as fire victims leap to their death
By W. G. Shepherd, United Press -- March 25, 1911
Supreme Court decision breaking up Standard Oil
May 16, 1911
Harroun, in Marmon car, wins inaugural Indy 500
United Press -- May 31, 1911
Louvre robbed of art treasure
United Press -- August 21, 1911
China's child emperor, empress flee
January 02, 1912
China's emperor gets out
United Press -- February 12, 1912
President signs Arizona proclamation
United Press -- February 14, 1912
Sinking of the Titanic
April 16, 1912
Olympics end tonight with Americans winners
United Press -- July 15, 1912
Letter from E.W. Scripps to Roy Howard
September 27, 1912
Teddy's wound too serious to probe; surgeons fear blood poison
October 15, 1912
Famous picture reported found
United Press -- December 12, 1913
Federal Reserve bill becomes law Tuesday evening
United Press -- December 23, 1913
10,000 storm Ford factory seeking work
January 06, 1914
Lincoln Memorial starts work
United Press -- February 13, 1914
World War over Servia threatened
June 26, 1914
Assassination -- Tragedy of the Hapsburgs
June 29, 1914
Expeditionary force located in Belgium
United Press -- August 24, 1914
Chief of Admiralty Churchill gives war views to United Press
By WILLIAM G. SHEPHERD -- August 29, 1914
Cardinal Chiesa chosen as new pope
United Press -- September 03, 1914
England, France and Russia stand or fall together
Ed L. Keen -- September 06, 1914
Frederick Wilhelm exclusive interview with United Press
By KARL H. VON WIEGAND, United Press Staff Correspondent -- November 20, 1914
Italy in state of terror over earthquake shock
Allan Rohe -- January 14, 1915
Germans driving against Ypres
United Press -- April 24, 1915
Babe Ruth gets first Major League home run
Hal Sheridan -- May 07, 1915
Bulletin -- Lusitania torpedoed and sunk off Irish coast
May 07, 1915
Mrs. Edith Galt becomes wife of President Wilson
United Press -- December 18, 1915
Allies evacuate Gallipoli intact
United Press -- January 09, 1916
Six killed by infernal machine at San Francisco parade
United Press -- July 22, 1916
I.W.W.'s in a massacre
United Press -- November 06, 1916
Britannic victim of torpedo or mine in the Aegean Sea
United Press -- November 22, 1916
French victory at Verdun
By HENRY WOOD, United Press Staff Correspondent -- December 18, 1916
Rasputin reported dead
United Press -- January 02, 1917
Title to Danish Indies
United Press -- January 17, 1917
Wilson again is given the reins
United Press -- March 05, 1917
America at war, president signs war resolution
April 06, 1917
First detachment of Pershing's men reach zone of war
United Press -- June 27, 1917
Greece in the war
International News Service -- July 02, 1917
Negroes parade as race riot protest
United Press -- July 28, 1917
Milwaukee police station wrecked by a time bomb
United Press -- November 25, 1917
Munitions ship blown up near Halifax
United Press -- December 06, 1917
Government to operate railroads
United Press -- December 26, 1917
Wilson's 14 points for peace
January 08, 1918
President Wilson announces stricter food rations
United Press -- January 27, 1918
Transport Tuscania sunk with U.S. soldiers
United Press -- February 07, 1918
Moscow To Be New Capital Of Bolsheviki
By JOSEPH STEPHEN -- March 11, 1918
American flyers down pair
United Press -- April 14, 1918
Germany's 'Red Baron' dies
William Philip Simms -- April 21, 1918
Aerial postal service begins
United Press -- May 15, 1918
U-boat sinks tug, barges off Cape Cod
United Press -- July 22, 1918
Assassin wounds Nikolai Lenine, Russian premier
United Press -- August 31, 1918
Damascus is taken by Allenby
United Press -- October 02, 1918
Americans aim to gain control of Grand Pre road
J.W.T. Mason -- October 08, 1918
Terms to Turks are given out
John Degandt -- October 31, 1918
Abdication means end of war party says Washington
Robert J. Bender -- November 09, 1918
Wilson sails for peace conference
United Press -- December 04, 1918
Theodore Roosevelt died suddenly at his home today in Oyster Bay
United Press -- January 06, 1919
Molasses casks cause explosion
United Press -- January 15, 1919
The peace conference in session
United Press -- January 18, 1919
'Anti-Mask League to fight flu ruling at San Francisco
United Press -- January 21, 1919
Zapata is killed
United Press -- April 11, 1919
Stowaway is found on dirigible after six hours on way
United Press -- July 07, 1919
Call militia brigade to quell Boston riots
United Press -- September 10, 1919
Reds win championship; White Sox fight to the end
Henry L. Farrell -- October 10, 1919
Nancy Astor is first woman elected
United Press -- November 28, 1919


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